Are You Looking for Answers? (John 15:26-27)


John 15:26-27

The Holy Spirit is given many titles by Jesus in his farewell discourse (John 13:31-17:26). One of those titles is “the Spirit of truth” (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13).

Many of us long for truth but are increasingly confounded by our search for it. We hit the internet, TED talks, podcasts, and maybe even – dare I say – Facebook, to find something we can hang our hat on and know it will hold. But, truth is not mere information. Truth is a person, and his name is Jesus Christ. At the beginning of Jesus’ farewell discourse, he tells his followers, “I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).” Before Pilate, Jesus says, “…the reason I was born and came into this world is to testify to the truth. Anyone on the side of truth, listens to me (John 18:37).” Truth is a person, and, in Jesus’ present earthly absence, the Holy Spirit testifies to the truth, who is Jesus Christ.

We ought not underestimate our need for the truth. Say a person has had an undiagnosed illness for ten years that has made his life a living nightmare. He goes from doctor to doctor looking for answers, until one day he receives a phone call from one of the doctors he has consulted. “I need you to come in,” the doctor says over the phone. The man comes in, sits in the doctor’s office, and sees the doctor’s grim face. He knows the news is not good. He learns of his grave condition and the rigorous treatment necessary to alleviate his suffering. As he leaves the office, tears begin to well in his eyes. Yet, they are not tears of sadness; they are tears of joy. Why? Because, finally, after ten years of searching, the truth of his condition has been discovered. And, though the news is bitter, knowing the truth is sweet to his soul.

Similarly, the Spirit of truth breathes into our lives the truth who is Jesus Christ. Frederick Buechner delivered a Christmas-time sermon, where he puts fictitious words on the lips of the Shepherds, “That’s how it was this night […]. Like finally coming to – not things coming out of nowhere that had never been there before, but things just coming into focus that had been there always.” That’s how it is when you grasp the truth who is Jesus Christ.

Are you looking for the truth that brings peace to your soul? Spend some time in prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to testify to the truth, who is Jesus Christ.


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