All God’s People Have a Position on the Field (Ephesians 4:7-13)

faith filled Eagles

Ephesians 4:7-13

An estimated 103.4 million people tuned in to watch Super Bowl LII. While the game afforded an exciting opportunity to see an underdog accomplish the unthinkable, it did point out a humorous absurdity about the sporting event phenomenon. Over 100 million people, many of whom were desperately in need of exercise, watched 22 men on a field, many of whom were desperately in need of rest. While such participation is understandable for a sporting event, may it never be so in Christ’s Body, the Church.

Christ has called his Church to a mission that is no less significant or exciting than the Super Bowl. He has called the church to proclaim the message that gives life (Mark 16:15), make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), nurture and help the church body grow into maturity (Ephesians 4:11-16), embody righteous character and conduct as a witness to the world to the beauty of God’s society (Mathew 5-7), tell the truth (2 Timothy 2:15), promote justice (Amos 5:24), and more.

The Apostle Paul said, “…to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it (Ephesians 4:7). This grace refers not to the grace of salvation, but the gracious gifts that Christ bestows on the church (see Ephesians 4:7-11). He apportioned these gifts in such a way that every member of the church has at least one essential gift for the fulfilling of Christ’s mission. If all were defensive line men, where would the catching be? If all were wide receivers, who would guard the quarterback? Christ has apportioned to the members of the church all the gifts needed for accomplishing his mission.

These gifts are not necessarily talents or skills. These gifts are graciously given to us by God to do his work. When I was a teenager, the last thing I wanted to be was a pastor. I was not an eloquent speaker. I had difficulty with articulation and expressing myself. It was not until other Christians in my life saw the gift of teaching in me, that I began to recognize that gift in myself.

When you sit in church, you may think that your pew looks like a bleacher. But, make no mistake, there are no bleachers in the church; there are no sidelines; all of us have a position to play. How might God be gifting you to play your role in his grander mission?

Looking for more:

Listen to this podcast about the faith-filled Eagles.


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