Scripture Alone (2 Timothy 3:14-17), The Solas of the Reformation, Part 1


2 Timothy 3:14-17

How can we say anything meaningful about God? If God is transcendent, defying our cognitive abilities to fully comprehend him, how can we say anything of certainty about God? Continue reading

Christ Alone (1 Timothy 2:1-7), Part 4 of Solas of the Reformation

Christ Alone

1 Timothy 2:1-7

There is a seeming inherent tension in God. How can he be both just and loving? Continue reading

Faith Alone (Romans 3:21-26), Solas of the Reformation, Part 2

Faith Alone

Romans 3:21-26

On July 2, 1505 a young student was traveling from his home town of Mansfield in Germany back to law school in Erfurt. The skies opened, and a violent thunderstorm encircled him. Legend has it, he was almost literally struck by lightning. Continue reading