Everybody Worships (Revelation 5), Part 2 of 2


Revelation 5

Last week we entered into the glorious worship scene of John’s vision, recorded in Revelation 5. We left off with John weeping. He was weeping, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll in the hand of God. That scroll represented God’s plan to right all the wrong in the world. Without anyone to open it, creation was doomed. The same can be said of our culturally constructed salvation narratives. These narratives promise redemption, yet – as we saw last week – they cannot deliver on those promises. In the end they leave us weeping, like John before the unopened scroll. Continue reading

Everybody Worships (Revelation 5), Part 1 of 2

what do you worship

Revelation 5

The word “worship” is not a uniquely religious word. Everybody worships something or someone. The late author David Foster Wallace once said, “There is no such thing as not worshiping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. Continue reading