What will you do when you hear about what God has done? (Joshua 10:6-8)

Joshua 10:6-8

We respond to the things we hear. News of spy balloons covertly flying over the US will create a different response than the news that the Chiefs won the Super Bowl. One will require the US Military to deploy weaponized jets, the other will lead to either celebration or consternation in your household depending on what team you were rooting for.

In the Book of Joshua, the Hebrew verbs translated “hear” has special significance. In Joshua 9:3, “the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai…” In Joshua 10:1, “Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, heard how Joshua had captured Ai […] as he had done to Jericho and its king […].”

Both the Gibeonites and Adoni-zedek heard similar things, but each responded differently. The Gibeonites beg for mercy and ask Israel to make peace with them (Joshua 9:3). Adoni-zedek makes an alliance with other kings and rises up against Israel (Joshua 10:1). The Gibeonites were shown abundant mercy, but the military alliance of Adoni-zedek was destroyed.

We see something similar happening in the gospel accounts of Jesus. When people hear of Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, forgiving sin, stilling storms, and more, they either come to him looking for favor or they rise up in opposition against him (see Mark 2 for some examples).  

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Do not be afraid of doing the God-honoring thing, even if it hurts (Joshua 9)

Joshua 9

The Gibeonites were lying tricksters. When they heard that the army of Israel had conquered the lands of Jericho and Ai, they feared the same fate would befall them. So, they put worn out sacks on their donkeys. They took old wineskins with holes mended with patches. They put patched sandals on and worn-out clothing. They left their food out till their bread was hard and crumbly. They set out like vagabonds and came to Israel, saying, “Please make peace with us. We have heard about how you conquered other nations. Please, we are coming to you as servants, please spare us and make with us a covenant of peace.” (See Joshua 9)

Joshua knew, technically speaking, Moses told them not to make a covenant with the people in the land the Lord was giving them. However, they were permitted to make a covenant with people outside that land. So, Joshua asked them, “Where did you come from?” They answered, “a very distant country.” They even took their old, hard bread and put it in the hands of Israel’s leaders, saying, “This was fresh out of the oven when we left; now it crumbles in your hand.” So, Israel made a covenant with them.

It did not take long before Israel came to Gibeon and found out they were not from so “very distant a country.” What would you have done, if you found out that the people you made an agreement with only days earlier made it under false pretenses? Would you rip up the contract?

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