What Report Are You Following? (Joshua 2:22-24), Part 6 of “Get Ready”

_Tell the people, ‘Get your supplies ready.'_ 7

Joshua 2:22-24

Fairfax Community Church was preparing to sell their building. They were literally located on a dead-end street. Continue reading

Crossing Jordans (Joshua 3:6-8, 14-17), Part 7 of “Get Ready”


Joshua 3:6-8, 14-17

The water licked their sandaled feet. You could hear the roar of the rushing waters. Their feet were ankle deep. Continue reading

Grace in an Unexpected Place (Joshua 2:1-21), Part 5 of “Get Ready”

Faith of Rahab

Joshua 2:1-21

It was the strangest of sights. Bird enthusiast from places as far as Wisconsin and Indiana flocked to see it. Continue reading

Be Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1:16-18), Part 4 of “Get Ready”


Joshua 1:16-18

As a federal prosecutor for Brazil’s public ministry, Delton Dellagnol wanted to make his home country a better place. The Brazilian justice system was broken and ineffective. The most powerful were immune to criminal prosecution. Continue reading

Prepare Provisions (Joshua 1:10-11), Part 3 of “Get Ready”

_Tell the people, ‘Get your supplies ready.'_

Joshua 1:10-11

After the attack on the naval fleet in Pearl Harbor in 1941, the nation united behind the war effort. Continue reading