The Blessings of Covid-19 (Romans 8:28)

Submitted by Andy McIlvain.

Romans 8:28

As I sit at home with my wife under a stay at home order for our state I am grateful. Just a few short months ago the world went about its everyday routine at a frenetic pace, nothing could affect us (or so it seemed), we were – we thought – masters of our own fate. Now store shelves are empty, many things are in short supply and will become even harder to get. This virus, this disease we now call Covid-19 is seemingly the topic of most of our conversations and the focus of our day. Yet what we have is a forced slow down, a grinding to a halt of all economic and social systems.

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What is Christian Love? (1 John 3:16-18)

Jesus Loves

1 John 3:16-18

“From whence comes love?” asked the nineteenth century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. If love comes from inside a person, can we find it? Can we go deeper and deeper into his interior and find it somewhere there? Kierkegaard would answer, “no,” because the beginning of human love is God’s love. It is like looking at a stream. Though you may see the stream, you cannot see its source. Though the stream may flow or dry up, the source may remain full. So, it is with God’s love. We cannot fully behold its source, but we can see its outflow. Continue reading